"Enterprise confidant" in the action | to be the enterprise's "relief"

来源:   时间: 2023-10-31 10:03
  Cao Hailan, Economic Development Bureau of High-tech Zone, actively responded to the call of the city's "nine solutions and one coordination" service enterprises, and for the demands of enterprises, it is necessary to solve difficulties, respond to requests, and help with difficulties, and effectively solve the difficulties and problems encountered by enterprises in the development。
  There are difficulties must be solved, "solve the problem of talent"
  After learning that Jilin Hengchang Technology Co., Ltd. had recruitment difficulties, Cao Hailan immediately contacted the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the Bureau of Political Statistics and other relevant departments to convey the demands of the enterprise, and actively coordinated and participated in the organization of the high-tech zone Management Committee2023Linked the "cloud recruitment" double selection meeting, communicated the notification requirements of the double selection meeting and the implementation plans and measures to enterprises, and helped enterprises fill in online recruitment positions。Finally, the enterprise successfully recruited on the "cloud recruitment"1Name graphic designer and1operator。
  Answer every request, "solve market problems"
  今年9In October, Northeast Asia Trade Fair was held in Changchun, Hengchang Technology wanted to participate and promote products, but there was no pass。After learning this situation, Cao Hailan immediately helped the enterprise to connect with the Jilin City Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, understand the membership requirements and the process of applying for the pass in detail, and finally applied for the pass for the enterprise after many times of communication and coordination。Through this exhibition, not only the visibility of the enterprise has been effectively improved, the product orders have increased significantly, but also the development confidence of the enterprise。
  If there is a problem, we must help, "solve the housing problem"
  During the service period, Cao Hailan received a call for help from the general manager of China Resources Snow Beer sales region。The rental house is about to expire, due to long-term in the field, no time to deal with the rental problem。"It is my duty and obligation to serve every business in the district。Cao Hailan then contacted the Internet Information Office (Talent Office), Housing and Construction Bureau and other relevant departments。After communication, coordination and housing selection, the appropriate house was finally determined for the high-end talents introduced by the enterprise。
  In line with the principle of "serving enterprises without small things", Cao Hailan often goes deep into enterprises, "make friends" with enterprises, understand the problems of enterprises "do not want to say, inconvenience to say", and use the heart for enterprisesSolve practical problemsDifficult problems, to be a "troubleshooter" in response to enterprise needs。(Service enterprise office Han Wenhui)
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